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Slackware - Installation This forum is for the discussion of installation issues with Slackware.


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Old 04-14-2004, 01:30 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2004
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ZIPSLACK Install Error (setup not running)

Okay, i found my zip drive so now i have all of the following:

-zip drive
-zip disk with all of the files contained within
-old Pentium 1 machine with no cd drive that linux will be on
-new computer which i d/led the files to and burned the zip and floppy from.


1. I used rawrite to burn the floppy bootdisk image
2. I extracted the files to the zip disk
3. I plugged the zipdrive into my other computer (the target computer/older pc)
4. I put the floppy into the other, older computers drive
5. I turned on the computer, and let it mount root to the default
6. The computer read from the zip disk and began to go through its pre-install procedure (finding what i do and dont have)
7. It gave me a "Slackware Login" prompt
8. I logged in as root, and was not prompted a password
9. I typed in #setup as i was supposed to
10. The computer did nothing

please help
Old 04-14-2004, 02:37 PM   #2
Amigo developer
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You don't have to run setu. With Zipslack you have an already 'installed' and configured system running. You can run package tool and add anything you want to the system. infact run it now and choose 'View the files contained in a package' and you can see a list of all the packages installed.
See my HOWTO to find out how to make a great 140-200MB system out of that.
just do the same with any packages you need to add by passing them with the zip drive. Or if you have a serial modem you can actually go online with Zipslack like you have it and download more packages.
Old 04-14-2004, 02:56 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
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but whenever i remove the bootdisk and try to boot from the HD or anything else, it doesnt work. If zipslack doesnt actually install to the HD, i dont want it. I cant sit and wait for 15 minutes for it to get to the login, and i need the ZIP drive for other things.

wait, ZipSlack does have a gui right?
Old 04-15-2004, 11:19 AM   #4
Amigo developer
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No ZipSlack has no GUI. You can run lilo to have it boot from hard disk or configure loadlin and use that if you have DOS/WIN.
You don't have to run it from a Zip drive. You can put it on any FAT partition. it will run much faster from a hard drive.
ZipSlack runs kind of like an embedded OS. The linux file system is embedded in a FAT partition. It does run a little slower than with a regular linux partition with ext2fs or reiserfs.
But there are also some advantages to running from a FAT. (BTW the file system that linux uses this way is called UMSDOS).
You can easily copy or migrate zipSlack to a new linux partition so that all configuartion changes you make are preserved. See the faq.txt for directions.
It really makes for an easy way to install a running system with the least hassle. then just add packages to your hearts content.


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