ZIPSLACK Install Error (setup not running)
Okay, i found my zip drive so now i have all of the following:
-zip drive
-zip disk with all of the files contained within
-old Pentium 1 machine with no cd drive that linux will be on
-new computer which i d/led the files to and burned the zip and floppy from.
1. I used rawrite to burn the floppy bootdisk image
2. I extracted the files to the zip disk
3. I plugged the zipdrive into my other computer (the target computer/older pc)
4. I put the floppy into the other, older computers drive
5. I turned on the computer, and let it mount root to the default
6. The computer read from the zip disk and began to go through its pre-install procedure (finding what i do and dont have)
7. It gave me a "Slackware Login" prompt
8. I logged in as root, and was not prompted a password
9. I typed in #setup as i was supposed to
10. The computer did nothing
please help