I get the following after running slackpkg upgrade-all:
Checking local integrity... DONE
You have a broken /var/log/packages - with two versions of the same package.
The list of packages duplicated in your machine are shown below, but don't
worry about this list - when you select your action, slackpkg will show a
better list:
You can (B)lacklist, (R)emove, or (I)gnore these packages.
Select your action (B/R/I):
I'm running 32 bit slackware 14. I've successfully updated this installation a couple of times already but this happened following installation of the nvidia driver. I first used the slackbuilds nvidia packages but rolled them back in favor of the binary package from nvidia after experiencing some problems.
I've removed and re-installed both packages and rebooted to try and fix this but I'm still getting the same message. These two packages should be able to co-exist, right? I mean one is dependent on the other. Any ideas on how to fix?