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Old 07-29-2006, 06:43 AM   #16
Alien Bob
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I have a few hundred thousand other things, so to speak, that I am working on, of quite higher priority
Now I think that is a pretty arrogant if not ignorant remark. What do you think the rest of us usually does? Waiting in line to answer your questions? Several before me have asked you to give us more proper reporting yet you seem to refuse to do so, instead you needlessly repeat your original lines.

The phrase "dependent updates for KDE 3.5.3" that your removepkg seems to encounter has nothing to do with anything Slackware put on your system. Slackware package tools do not check for "dependent updates" so this string must have entered your system by using a third party package manager which screwed up your installation of Slackware. Now, if you really want help you could start with feeding back the results of (I give you some commands to copy and paste since it is hard for you to think - probably due to the heat?):

ls /var/log/packages | grep "dependent"
grep "dependent updates for" /var/log/packages/*
Still it think it is best for you to re-install Slackware from scratch, and next time you upgrade it, use "upgradepkg" to do so.

Old 07-29-2006, 06:54 AM   #17
LQ Newbie
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Sorry, I did not come here to ask you to fight with me.

I have stated the exact error message twice, etc.

To me it seems, that you have rather an emotional or authoritative problem, a problem about 'controlling people' - which is not in order here.

If you can not solve the problem with the data provided, so be it.

Originally Posted by willysr
what is EXACTLY your error messages?
you don't even give minimum information, how can we help you ??
Old 07-29-2006, 07:12 AM   #18
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Giving the information you provide, I just can guess that you're executing: removepkg dependent updates for KDE 3.5.3
Is that correct?
I don't think people come here to fight, just try to be patient and at least give thanks for trying to help. We all have higher priorities, but try to help each other.
Old 07-29-2006, 07:25 AM   #19
LQ Newbie
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Thanks, but no thanks.

I have become - again not without reason - rather selective, as to from whom I accept help.

By the way, I grepped /var/log/ for 'dependent updates for KDE 3.5.3' as someone else suggested, but that yielded no result.

(I have deleted the un-sane personal attacks you started (your message with), your "response" to my kindly explaining why I ask, rather than figure the problem out myself.)

The phrase "dependent updates for KDE 3.5.3" that your removepkg seems to encounter has nothing to do with anything Slackware put on your system. Slackware package tools do not check for "dependent updates" so this string must have entered your system by using a third party package manager which screwed up your installation of Slackware. Now, if you really want help you could start with feeding back the results of (I give you some commands to copy and paste since it is hard for you to think - probably due to the heat?):

ls /var/log/packages | grep "dependent"
grep "dependent updates for" /var/log/packages/*
Still it think it is best for you to re-install Slackware from scratch, and next time you upgrade it, use "upgradepkg" to do so.

Old 07-29-2006, 10:51 AM   #20
Bruce Hill
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You're certifiable, no doubt.

This is a classic case of PEBKAC.

Additionally, it appears from your responses that you don't have enough SCSI bitmaps.

Last edited by Bruce Hill; 07-29-2006 at 11:26 AM.
Old 07-29-2006, 10:52 AM   #21
LQ Newbie
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Yes, thank you for trying to help.

No, I remove an actual package (....tgz).

But: Already when I run pkgtool - this script starts with making a list of packages I should choose from, which to remove - that script (pkgtool, prepare for removal) already hangs up immediately, with the error message given earlier.
I have even to end it by pressing <CONTROL> c.

Also when I remove an actual package (....tgz), with removepkg.

But your answer shows very little intent to help:

Now WHY would someone want to run 'removepkg dependent updates for KDE 3.5.3'?

Nobody would want to, nor do that - one could assume even with very little reasoning - sorry.
So, how do you get that idea? I then inevitably start to wonder.
And then I conclude: Your having that idea, shows a very small intent to help.

So, I do thank you for trying.

Originally Posted by gbonvehi
Giving the information you provide, I just can guess that you're executing: removepkg dependent updates for KDE 3.5.3
Is that correct?
I don't think people come here to fight, just try to be patient and at least give thanks for trying to help. We all have higher priorities, but try to help each other.
Old 07-29-2006, 12:06 PM   #22
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Alien Bob gave you the EXACT commands to copy/paste into a terminal. Then all you have to do is copy/paste the resultant output from the terminal, with a leading [code], then an ending /code (Inside the square brackets, if I put it here, it will do this:
, then an ending
Please, we are TRYING to help. This simple step WILL give us the information needed.

Or, you can continue on the way you are, and NOT get the help you desire. We do have lives. We are trying to help you. Your stubborness is starting to get the people with the most experience to not to want to help.

The ball is in your court. If you provide the info requested, AS REQUESTED, you will get helpful answers.

If you continue your ways , you will NOT get help.

Linux is about choice. This is yours.
Old 07-29-2006, 12:13 PM   #23
Registered: Nov 2002
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LeonardoBeen - we can all accept that you have beeter things to do with your time. We all do. LQ is entirely staffed by volunteers, this means that we are not being paid to help out here which means that you need to help us to help you. Simply stating that you are choosy as to who you want to help you is, well, unhelpful.

What happens when you run the commands? You need to post the commands you run (the whole commands, not just a brief list) and you need to post up the errors you receive when you run the commands. Once you have done this, we can better see where the problems are occuring.
Old 07-29-2006, 01:25 PM   #24
LQ Newbie
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Alien Bob gave a command to run, that resolved the matter.

ls /var/log/packages | grep "dependent"

yielded the following file to be (incorrectly) present in the packages directory:

'dependent updates for KDE 3.5.3 - packages.txt'

(This file - a list - was put there by myself, some month ago, with my intention then, possibly only to upgrade that minimum of Slack, that an upgrade to KDE 3.5.5 would require.)

'dependent updates for KDE 3.5.3 - packages.txt' being a file name, 'ls' DID catch it, and it not being text in the file, 'grep' did NOT detect it.

'pkgtool' works again as it should, listing all packages from which to choose to delete (to remove).

So, I thank those (almost all) who intended to help.

Obviously, the scripts were not made to handle the anomaly.

Leonardo Been

Originally Posted by cwwilson721
Alien Bob gave you the EXACT commands to copy/paste into a terminal. Then all you have to do is copy/paste the resultant output from the terminal, with a leading [code], then an ending /code (Inside the square brackets, if I put it here, it will do this:
, then an ending
Please, we are TRYING to help. This simple step WILL give us the information needed.

Or, you can continue on the way you are, and NOT get the help you desire. We do have lives. We are trying to help you. Your stubborness is starting to get the people with the most experience to not to want to help.

The ball is in your court. If you provide the info requested, AS REQUESTED, you will get helpful answers.

If you continue your ways , you will NOT get help.

Linux is about choice. This is yours.
Old 07-29-2006, 01:30 PM   #25
Senior Member
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there ya go.. Knew it was because of that phrase being somewhere it didn't belong. If you would have followed suggestions in the first place, this would have been alot less painfull for ALL of us... :-) Glad it's fixed. If you remember, I also suggested grepping for that on the previous page...

Last edited by jong357; 07-29-2006 at 01:34 PM.


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