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Old 05-25-2004, 10:42 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
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formatting harddrive with necessary linux partitions

I am new to slackware,have run redhat for awhile. for ease redhat will format your hd for use with linux. The install with slackware 9.1 requires one to do that oneself. When I use cfdisk the program only sees around 600mb of a 2.1 gig hd. I thought I had a clue using redhat, this slackware is a challenge. Thanks for the help. another thing, if one has an idea how to shut down suse 9.1 , I would appreciate it. I bought these op sys on ebay and am trying to learn this Linux thing going on. Marty
Old 05-25-2004, 10:54 AM   #2
Bruce Hill
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To shutdown any Linux distro, open a console and as root issue ->
# shutdown -h now
After stopping everything and unmounting, it will say ->
Power down
and you can cut your machine off with the power switch.

As for why cfdisk sees only 600MB, I haven't a clue. Could you post the output of
# /sbin/fdisk -l
Old 05-25-2004, 11:44 AM   #3
Registered: Jan 2004
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does fdisk (not cfdisk) see your disk for the size it is?

partitioning yourself isnt hard, you can use the same technique as redhat prolly does with two ext3 partitions making sure one is big enuf to hold slackware. and a swap partition. you could prolly even start the redhat install to the partition stage. write the table to disk and quit. start the slackware install and resume installing on slack on the partitions redhat defined. if the redhat installer can see your disk for the size it is this could be an option.

also at 2.1 gigs im guessing the HD is kinda old??? are you sure 70% of the disk just isnt working?
Old 05-25-2004, 12:11 PM   #4
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Have you checked out the partitioning section in the slackware book?
Old 05-26-2004, 03:52 PM   #5
LQ Newbie
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Thanks for the help, used fdisk created 200mb swap partition and 1.9gb linux partition Slackware is now installed and very different from Redhat. Something new to learn. marty
Old 05-27-2004, 11:11 PM   #6
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Originally posted by mustang335
Thanks for the help, used fdisk created 200mb swap partition and 1.9gb linux partition Slackware is now installed and very different from Redhat. Something new to learn. marty
I have a 1GB swap partition (512 MB actual memory)
~75MB /boot partition
~500MB /var partition
~3000MB / partition
~5000MB /usr partition
~10000MB /home partition

I have the /var as a separate in case something starts to go log-crazy.


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