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Old 10-24-2014, 12:37 PM   #31
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I think omphaloskepsOS is one of the few distros besides ubuntu to use upstart...
Old 10-24-2014, 01:21 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by sigint-ninja View Post
enorbet i am obviously a newb...i am reading a book and trying to see where this all fits together...i read that older systems use init which is being replaced by upstart...there really is no need for your sarcastic negativity...
Hello siginit-ninja Please allow me to introduce myself. I am not one of those that considers "newb" a pejorative. If one is not a newb at something one has grown stagnant and lacks the drive to learn new things. So I actually salute you.

While I certainly can understand that my text-on-a-page could be misunderstood as some personal affront, I assure you it was not meant that way. Consider that if you had said "Does anyone else like anchovies in their strawberry ice cream" and I responded "Yeecccchhh!" that negativity would only reflect my taste and in no way denigrate you for liking something else, even if odd and unique.

More on topic, my taste runs to keeping things simple and reliable while retaining user control as a premium. I don't care if it is new or old as that signifies almost nothing about quality. Upstart to me, being invented by Ubuntu, is consistent with Ubuntu's ethos - making Linux more friendly to windows migrators. Some say that Upstart, along with it's invasive and rigid EULA, was/is a further gambit to build on their massive user base (and success of their convenience product design) and lockout anyone who doesn't use it by making them superfluous, much like if our Moon rapidly gained mass at some point it would either collide with our planet or send it spinning off into space. It failed in that because RedHat's adoption (and funding) of systemd spun Upstart off into space first.

These are just "growing pains" and Ubuntu is a large part of that growth (and some would say, pain) because while Linux was just a hobby system "by hackers and for hackers" coexistence was easy. However as it grew it kind of got too good to escape the notice of profiteers. It has been estimated that to hire a team to duplicate Linux would cost over $100,000,000,000 USD. Yes, that is, in American terms, 100+ Billion dollars. After Steve Jobs' success with employing the looser BSD license and gaining the benefit of what amounts to 100 Billion USD in R&D almost for no cost, many seek a piece of that pie and have apparently watched far too much Highlander.

This is the source of my negativity and really was not meant to include or even reflect on you. It was just an attempt at some humor in the face of danger.

Last edited by enorbet; 10-24-2014 at 01:35 PM.
Old 10-24-2014, 03:14 PM   #33
Richard Cranium
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Originally Posted by allend View Post
OMG I have a vision of brianL engaging in omphaloskepsis and am disconcerted that the apparatus may be petrified or of insufficient capacity for the task.
I'm not convinced that it's navels those guys in the wikipedia picture are examining.
Old 10-24-2014, 03:28 PM   #34
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They're beginning to regret buying those underpants.
My navel's not interesting enough to warrant gazing at it, a brief glance is sufficient.

Last edited by brianL; 10-24-2014 at 03:31 PM.
Old 10-24-2014, 03:30 PM   #35
Didier Spaier
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Originally Posted by Richard Cranium View Post
I'm not convinced that it's navels those guys in the wikipedia picture are examining.
I will check when I go back to Paris. Fortunately museums are free on first Sunday of each month, Le Louvre included.

At the moment I can only notice that Satyrs are not best known for their navels.

Last edited by Didier Spaier; 10-24-2014 at 04:05 PM. Reason: misc corrections


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