I reverted back to the sg0 alias pointing to sr0. With `modprobe sg` in /etc/rc.d/rc.local, sg[0,1,2] presented themselves, treating my system hard drives (SATA) as libsg devices. I don't know the side effects of having sda and sg0 pointing to two different devices created for the same hard drive, but the sg0 alias works. As for k3b, I was missing some kde packages. I'm running XFCE with only a couple of kde packages, and I didn't know what a critical minimum set would be. I lifted the following list of missing packages from a file in salix sources that listed prerequisites for k3b.
- udisks-1.0.4-x86_64-2 (I already had udisks2, but
- polkit-kde-agent-1-9d74ae3_20120104git-x86_64-1
- polkit-kde-kcmodules-1-001bdf7_20120111git-x86_64-1
- polkit-0.105-x86_64-4
- polkit-gnome-0.102-x86_64-1
- polkit-qt-1-0.103.0-x86_64-1
- amarok-2.8.0-x86_64-1
- analitza-4.10.5-x86_64-1
- perlkde-4.10.5-x86_64-1
- kdenetwork-4.10.5-x86_64-1
- kdewebdev-4.10.5-x86_64-1
- kwebkitpart-1.3.2-x86_64-1
- kross-interpreters-4.10.5-x86_64-1
- kde-base-artwork-4.10.5-x86_64-1
- kde-baseapps-4.10.5-x86_64-1
- kdeadmin-4.10.5-x86_64-1
- kdeartwork-4.10.5-x86_64-1
As the poet Browning might have pipped, "The hill-side’s dew-pearled; The lark’s on the wing; The snail’s on the thorn; God’s in His heaven— All’s right with the world!"