Originally Posted by guanx
If you don't want to wait for the official update from Pat V, here's a little trick I learned a while back, and it'll at least get you up to date:
Let's use dhcpcd as an example.
I made a Downloads/ directory under /home, and in the Downloads directory, I made a SlackBuilds. Here I put all of my program subdirectories, either from an official slackware repository (I use
http://slackware.osuosl.org), or from
Make a 'dhcpcd' subdirectory under 'SlackBuilds', and then go
here. If you use Firefox, go down the list (exclude the 'patches/' subdirectory, as the patches are already applied to 6.2.0), right-click on the file, and select 'Save Link As...'. In the dialog box that appears, navigate to the dhcpcd directory, and save it there. Repeat for every file.
Save (or move the file if you've already downloaded the file) to this directory as well. Run the following command to make the dhcpcd.SlackBuild file executable:
chmod +x dhcpcd.SlackBuild
Run this command also:
pico dhcpcd.SlackBuild
and comment out these commands:
#patch -p1 < $CWD/patches/Actually-validate-the-search-list.patch || exit 1
#patch -p1 < $CWD/patches/dhcpcd.conf-Don-t-invoke-wpa_supplicant-by-default.patch || exit 1
(As you can see, I've already commented them out).
Run the SlackBuild:
and it will compile the new package.
You probably already know this, but for the sake of completeness (and for anyone else reading this post), I'll include it here. Issue this command to upgrade the resulting package:
upgradepkg /tmp/dhcpcd-6.2.0-x86_64-2.txz
And now you have the new package.
You can apply this method for any upgrades you wish to perform, and -current doesn't already have.
Hope this helps.