g77 Fortran - run time error (fmt: read unexpected character)
I am working with a set of Fortran programs which compile and work well in VMS, UNIX and Windows (using Compaq Visual Fortran compiler). Unfortunately, when I compile it in Linux v. 9.0 using g77, it gives me the following run time error:
fmt: read unexpected character
apparent state: unit 70 named icp.pdt
last format: (1P, 5E15.4)
lately reading sequential formatted external IO
I have tried the following:
1. Changed the optimization from -O4 to -O2:
The program proceeds further but quits after a longer time.
2. Changed to debug mode (with -g option):
Still no change (gives the same output.
3. Included -fno-unroll-loops in the compile option
No effect.
I am using the following compile options:
-ffast-math -fargument-noalias -fno-automatic -finit-local-zero -fno-globals -fno-unroll-loops
I did do a search on this Forum as well as in Google. The general response is that this is a result of g77 compiled codes not being able to read external unformatted input. But, the code should be able to read it's own unformatted outputs.
Any help, hint or pointers would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance for your time and help,