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Old 06-29-2005, 10:27 AM   #1
Registered: Mar 2004
Location: Scotland
Distribution: Ubuntu
Posts: 72

Rep: Reputation: 15
A text editor written in python?


I was wondering if anyone knows of a simple text editor (command line interface) written in Python? I am learning python at the moment and was interested to see any examples of how a simple text editor would be constructed.

I have tried Google. I found one python-powered text editor but it used a gui.

Thanks in advance

Old 06-29-2005, 01:59 PM   #2
Registered: May 2005
Distribution: Debian Woody,Knoppix
Posts: 88

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Well, if you found a GUI based text editor, it should be simple to cut the general idea and pass it as a text editor. But should it really be python? You could easily write an editor in C.(Well, i prefer C than any interpeted language, but if you insist, I would use Java).I'm telling you that because I am unfamiliar with Python and I think it's easier in C.
Old 06-29-2005, 02:07 PM   #3
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well, that was unhelpful, N-whoever . He wants to look at a python program- he's learning python - and there is nothing wrong with that! why should he want to learn C? he seems happy with python! You say you are unfamiliar with python- why even reply? every language is welcome in this forum- it is not a C only forum!
You seem to just want to wipe out a zero reply.

hey, will, have you seen freshmeat? I have trawled throught that looking for python text editors for you, but there seems to be only gui ones... but you might find something.


Last edited by titanium_geek; 06-29-2005 at 02:09 PM.
Old 06-29-2005, 02:25 PM   #4
Registered: May 2005
Distribution: Debian Woody,Knoppix
Posts: 88

Rep: Reputation: 16
Ok,sorry you are right! I found in sourceforge a good python text editor, called Concurrence ( Many users can manipulate a file simultenously and it uses the client-server model.
Old 07-01-2005, 04:34 AM   #5
Registered: Mar 2004
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Thanks titanium_geek,

I have had a look around Sourceforge and Freshmeat as well but I can't find one. I have decided to look into a gui-based text editor called Pyword instead. Maybe I can strip out the gui park (TKinter) - should be a useful learning exercise

Thanks for your help.

Old 10-05-2008, 07:47 AM   #6
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Python Text Editor


I was surfing through the Internet and found one simple text editor written in python, that can even save a text file. I found it on the Ubuntuforums, here's a link:

If for some reason the forum is unavailable, then you can download the .py file here:



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