Originally Posted by newbiesforever
Does MEPIS not come with Wine? Nothing happens when I try to run .EXE files.
I don't think so...
Try opening a terminal and typing this...
wine "/path to file/filename.exe" Be sure to include the quotes if there's a space in the path name(you can use them regardless, it won't hurt anything).
If it starts up, well, then wine is installed.
If it doesn't,
http://www.winehq.com and download the appropriate version.
Edit: Just a thought, aren't Mepis and Ubuntu the same thing almost? Couldn't you just go to WineHQ, follow the instructions for installing it via the Repositories, and it will install OK, I do believe. Also, if you're not wanting to work very hard on this, you could install Automatix2 and it will install Wine quite easily... Some report problems with Automatix, but I've used it under 6.06 Dapper, and 6.10 Edgy, with no prob at all.