The Internet and Adobe flashplayer
I seem to have a problem with adobe flashplayer using Mepis 11 and either the Firefox or Galleon browsers. It appears to have arisen in the last few months and I thought the problem was Firefox/Flashplayer so downloaded Galleon. I tried to download Chromeum browser but the dependences are a pain in the arse.
Once I have accessed the internet if I change to an iplayer there is a residue of the previous page in the background. A Black background colour glimmers white and a white background is the reverse. Its as if the previous page is still there in the background. While it happens with all iplayers the BBC iplayer is the worse particularly with their new website. Now with the BBC iplayer if I try to watch any previous TV programmes the colours are totally wrong. Faces are blue, grass in also grey/blue and the sky is orange/brown.
Has anyone had similar problems or could offer any ideas for a solution?
Thanks for reading anyway.