This probably seems like some you have all heard before.
Okay my friend has a new computer with a new nvidia Geforce 4 MX440 AGP.
He asked me to install Red Hat 7.1 on it.
I did this and when it came to the XF86Configuration screen I selected a Nvidia Geforce (generic) card.
I then restarted the computer into Linux. I then logged in as my freind's user account and tyried to startx, but it came up with and error that said I did not have any drivers for the Nvidia Geforce card.
I then used his windows computer to get on then net and download the latest driver. When it was finished downloading. I exectuted the bash script and it installed the drivers and configured the kernel preface. I then read the Readme file that the bash script installed and I did what it told me.
I used su to switch user to root, I then used vi to edit the XF86Config.
I then added/edited the changes the REadme file told me to.
I then once again tryed to startx.
But once again, the log file told me that it could not find the drivers for the card.
I am missing something or have I done something wrong?
Please help.