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Old 05-26-2005, 09:41 PM   #1
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Registered: Aug 2003
Location: Glasgow
Distribution: Fedora / Solaris
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vsftpd log timestamps issue

Hi all.

I'm using the latest FC3 version of vsftpd, and I'm getting strange timestamps on my logs.
The log_ftp_protocol=YES option is set, so the following is from /var/log/vsftpd.log:
Thu May 26 22:15:29 2005 [pid 17864] [fromilj] FTP response: Client "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX", "331 Please specify the password."
Thu May 26 23:15:29 2005 [pid 17866] CONNECT: Client "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX"
Thu May 26 22:15:29 2005 [pid 17866] FTP response: Client "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX", "220 ILikeJam FTP. Access to this server is restricted to authorised users only. Logs are being watched, and crackers will be wedgied."
Thu May 26 22:15:29 2005 [pid 17866] FTP command: Client "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX", "USER fromilj"
Thu May 26 22:15:29 2005 [pid 17866] [fromilj] FTP response: Client "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX", "331 Please specify the password."
Thu May 26 22:15:30 2005 [pid 17864] [fromilj] FTP command: Client "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX", "PASS <password>"
Thu May 26 23:15:30 2005 [pid 17863] [fromilj] OK LOGIN: Client "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX"
Thu May 26 23:15:30 2005 [pid 17867] [fromilj] FTP response: Client "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX", "230 Login successful."
Thu May 26 22:15:30 2005 [pid 17866] [fromilj] FTP command: Client "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX", "PASS <password>"
Thu May 26 23:15:30 2005 [pid 17865] [fromilj] OK LOGIN: Client "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX"
As you can see, the timestamps vary by an hour (the latter 23:15:XX time being the correct local time). I've tried use_localtime=YES and =NO, and nothing changes.

It's not a showstopper, but I'd like to know what's causing it.
Any ideas?


Old 05-28-2005, 02:09 PM   #2
Registered: Mar 2003
Location: Harrisburg, PA
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hmmm, no idea, other than it appears that all the logs with the right time are queried on connection...which could mean that the client that is connecting has the right time, while the server is off by an hour. Now the ftp server could always use it's own clock and I could be way off, but it might be worth a look.
Old 05-29-2005, 12:53 PM   #3
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Yeah, I was thinking something similar, but the times are a bit too accurate.

I saw something about times mentioned in the vsftpd changelog, so maybe an update is in order...




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