ScientificLinux 6 is not a great choice for running VLC
the vlc web site( the RHEL page)
has 0.99 for rhel5
however it is in RPMforge repo
install yum-priorities plugin
install the rpmforge repo
CONFIGURE!!!!!! yum-priorities and give rpmforge a highte numbor that sl-repo
rpmfogre can AND will replace critical system files with DIFFERENT versions than are in "sl-update"
su -
yum search vlc
--- from the list --
yum install vlc
but be warned !!!!
navagating the repo mine field in incompatible repos to get multimedia running on RHEL/Cent/SL is very difficult
ScientificLinux dose NOT do much documentation
it assumes that you ARE familiar with administrating a RHEL system
YOU will have to port the Centwiki and the red hat docs FOR USE in SL6
software repos
the yum-Priorities plugin