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Old 04-09-2007, 04:38 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2007
Posts: 1

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TrueCrypt: problem running; cannot configure kernel source

Hi there!

I've been trying to install TrueCrypt. Since in the download site there is no version for my operating system (I am running Kubuntu 6.06 64-bit) I had to compile from source.

I followed the instructions found on the german Ubuntu site , meaning I previously installed the linux-source using Adept, unpacked the tarball, created a link to the kernel sources
alejandro@hal:/usr/src$ sudo ln -s linux-source-2.6.15 linux
and moved the unpacked TrueCrypt source to /usr/src/.
Then I typed this on the console:
alejandro@hal:/usr/src$ cd truecrypt-4.3-source-code/Linux/
alejandro@hal:/usr/src/truecrypt-4.3-source-code/Linux$ sudo ./
Checking build requirements...
Preparing kernel build system in /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.15... make[2]: *** [silentoldconfig] Error 1
make[1]: *** [silentoldconfig] Error 2
make: *** [include/linux/autoconf.h] Error 2

What do this errors mean and how can I solve this problem?
Thank you in advance for your answers!
Old 04-09-2007, 07:03 AM   #2
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I don't know about the most recent version of True Crypt. I am using the v4.2a version. I know that what you are doing would not be correct for v4.2a. The top level of the untarred archive has a file called Readme.txt. That has the instructions for installing the software.

I wouldn't bother putting the untarred directory for True Crypt in the /usr/scr tree. I always untar the source files under /root/bin so I end up with /root/bin/truecrypt-4.2a. You don't need to keep the source files on your system after you have installed True Crypt, although I do keep them in /root/bin/truecrypt-4.2a.

The version of True Crypt that I use says to cd into the truecrypt-4.2a/Linux directory and run ./ Of course this is all a lot easier if you use a version of Linux that allows you to log in as root. You can always keep the source files in a directory under your normally privileged user account. You only need to be root when you install the software.

Last edited by stress_junkie; 04-09-2007 at 07:05 AM.



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