open a terminal (shell) and type
if you are prompted for a password this is a good sign you then verify the password. and then you have started your first linux vncserver you can test it with a browser by doing localhost:5801 or by typing in:
vncviewer localhost:01 in a different shell. If you are prompted for a password this is a good sign.
if you shutdown or reboot and want to use it again you have to do vncserver on the konsole(shell) again and you will not be prompted for your password read the out put though
because it give you the window number that you need to be logging in to.
An example: I did vncserver for the second time today and the output was log 2
so to login I had to do:
vncviewer localhost:02
localhost:5802 in a browser
you may want to edit /home/yourusername/.vnc/xstart ,,,where it says twm you change it to kde if that is the desktop you are using.
Last edited by ratzoid; 10-15-2004 at 06:24 PM.