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Old 03-15-2006, 11:52 PM   #1
Registered: Jun 2005
Distribution: debian, ubuntu, redhat,knoppix
Posts: 194

Rep: Reputation: 31
squid not refreshing? Need some clarification.


I have an linux box installed with squid and mail-server and its act as gateway servers for the lan. I was thinking about to install privoxy to block access to adult site and pop-up. So i install squid in one of the LAN computer (ubuntu 5.10) and adding privoxy for testing.

At first everything work fine on the test box (ubuntu). But then i accidently delete the squid.conf file >"<. So i just reinstall the squid and get back the default squid.conf . Then i found i can only assign http_port to (ie. all addresses) and I can't specify a particular address like . I try restart and force-reload both don't work out.

I have to restart squid on the gateway server to allow the internal squid to assign correctly (its sort of chained squids). I am not sure if its all because the squid(on gateway server) not refreshing page within localnet.

Besides, is there anyway to force squid to retrieve a particular web address without caching it?


Last edited by taiwf; 03-15-2006 at 11:55 PM.


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