Share internet between windows and linux over serial cable
Hi, I have a windows XP box that is connected to the internet via a cable modem attached by ethernet into my NIC.
I have a laptop running linux which I would like to share the internet connection of the windows XP machine.
The problem is that the only common ports are serial ports. I have a cable which I currently use to link the 2 machines to send files using Hyper Terminal and minicom.
I need some method of getting internet connection sharing over the serial cable to linux. Windows will be the host, linux the guest.
I have read about ppp but from what I saw I couldn't figure out a connection over a null modem cable, especially between windows and linux. Most of what I found for it was to do with dialing in using a modem.
So then I heard of SLIP, this sounded perfect but I was told by a friend that windows can not be a host for SLIP but can just connect to a linux slip server which is the wrong way arround for me.