I'm running Debian Sid on my laptop and in an attempt to cut down my 2min30 boot time i tried installing runit. As mentioned in this tread:
anyway. Me being me, i rebooted without paying much attention to the installation notes:
now when I boot I get to runit stage 2 and this system hangs.
luckily I worked out how to login with the old init
Grub> kernel /boot/vmlinu.. init=/sbin/init.sysv
Grub> boot
....i didn't pay enough attention to this:
Step 3: The getties
At least one getty must run in stage 2 so that you are able to login.
Choose a free tty, say tty5, where sysvinit is not running any getty
(edit /etc/inittab and kill -HUP 1 if needed),
and tell runsvdir about the getty-5 service:
# mkdir -p /var/service
# ln -s /etc/runit/getty-5 /var/service/
Start runit's stage 2 for testing:
# /etc/runit/2 &
And check that the getty is running.
Will the above be enough? or do i need to write a whole lot of scripts to help migrate services??
I feel lucky to have escaped so far with my newbie knowledge