Problem with sound in ET and Skype, simoutesly
I am trying to get sound in both Skype and Enemy-territory, simoutesly. I am starting skype with artsdsp skype. However when I start et with "artsdsp -m et", Enemy territory doesn't start, and when I kill it, it returns DOUBLE SIGNAL FAULT: Received signal 15, exiting...
I also get this error, which is probably more interesting:
------- sound initialization -------
*** glibc detected *** free(): invalid pointer: 0x09428d10 ***
Received signal 6, exiting...
/usr/local/bin/et: line 5: 6295 Killed artsdsp -m ./et.x86 $*
Anyone know how to fix this problem?
Last edited by iskrem; 03-17-2005 at 02:29 PM.