notification-daemon temporary file location?
I've been doing some custom work on the Mumbles daemon, and I'm trying to build a custom plugin that basically hijacks the notifications daemon and reroutes all the requests through to Mumbles. I've reached a bit of a block, though. I need to find the temporary location of the notification-daemon.
If that sounds confusing, I'll give an example: when I unplug my laptop, the power manager checks in a location to see if the notification-daemon is working. if not, it runs /usr/lib/notification-daemon/notification-daemon. I already built a dummy package in that location, but I can't seem to find a way to fool the power manager into thinking that notification-daemon is running.
BTW, I'm running Ubuntu 8.10, and have checked /tmp with normal and root permissions, as well as checking for any files such as /tmp/.*