nfs 389-ldap and KVM virtualization login errors
I am having issues with users logging in to CentOS 6.5.
Recently set up servers were working OK. LDAP has been introduced, and user login issues have arisen. The messages are:
Could not chdir to home directory /home/fred: Permission denied
-bash: /home/fred/.bash_profile: Permission denied
User is logging into login001.
NFS server is on storage001.
LDAP directory service is on ldap001.
fred's UID and GID are both 500.
When I do an "ls -l /home/fred" I get:
ls: cannot access /home/fred/z: Permission denied
total 0
?????????? ? ? ? ? ? z
NOTE: "z" is the only non-dot file in the directory.
When I do "ls -l /home | grep fred" I get:
-bash-4.1$ ls -l /home | grep app_jhosie
drw-r--r-- 3 fred fred 4096 Nov 20 10:04 fred
Where should I go from here? I need to import 100 users, but with this one user working so poorly I hesitate to move on.
Thanks in advance for your help.