The screen resolution is set to 1920 x 1080 - I think the NVIDIA X Server Settings GUI sets the xorg.conf file automatically. Video recordings, Blu-Ray and other HD content playback in high definition and looks amazing - so I don't think it's the screen resolution. Plus, I can manually configure youtube to change the resolution through Chrome (outside mythtv) and it will playback at 1080p (or whatever other highest setting is available).
John VV:
I understand that youtube has many different resolution settings. Is there a way to default to the highest resolution instead of one of the lower resolutions?
I doubt it is a slow ISP - I can play youtube videos outside mythtv in Chrome and the 1080p playback is just fine. Actually, on my Windows 7 machine, the video quality automatically jumps to the higher resolution - I would like mythtv to do the same, if possible.