knoppix can't load kernel module for sis chipset
Hi there,
I was playing around with knoppix, but can't get it to load a module compatible with my sis chipset. Autodetection seems to go even recognizes that an sis chip is what is being used for my video. Then it gets to the point where X is about to start...a paragraph or so of words appears at the bottom of the screen, but it goes by too fast to read. Then the monitor flashes for an instant a few times, as if it's trying to configure X, the hard drive is going like mad, the CD is being accessed...then after a minute or so of this...nothing. I hit ctrl-alt-F1, get to console as root, and look at the errors coming up. It says that it can't find the kernel module for sis. I entered "ls /usr/X11R6/bin/XF*", and saw a listing of the possible X-servers, but don't know how to move between them, verify that my X-server is working correctly, and then enter "/etc/init.d/xsession start"
The things I am thinking of trying next are some of the cheat codes, like:
boot: knoppix fb 800x600 (my monitor is a generic 800x600)
boot: knoppix-txt xvrefresh=60 (supposedly disable framebuffer, but allows X)
boot: knoppix XF86_SVGA vga=normal (This is supposed to work for just about any old monitor, but will restrict to 600x480? resolution)
Thanks for your help.