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Old 10-13-2004, 10:40 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2004
Posts: 24

Rep: Reputation: 15
KDE 3.2 bug -> fix or upgrade?

I am running SUSE 9.1 Pro on a Centrino laptop I built over the summer. Basically, I am trying to move from Windows to Linux (translation: ). However, KDE 3.2 has been getting a little buggy on me. The specific problem is that when I go into the K Menu Editor, some of the folders won't show their contents. Yet, when I actually use the menu, its fine. I can't tell whats wrong, but it started happening after I ran the SUSE Online Updater a few days ago.

So, I either need to fix the problem, or I could try switching to a different GUI. I understand that KDE is out, would it be worth trying to upgrade? If so, how do I do it? I might be willing to try Gnome as well, does anyone recommend it for a newbie?
Old 10-13-2004, 10:59 PM   #2
Mega Man X
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Hi there!

I've not upgraded my KDE to 3.3 yet, but I've heard that the easiest way to do that in SuSE is through apt-get:

About the menu disappearing, as far as I know, KDE won't display empty submenus. For example ">> Aplications >> Games >>", if you Games submenu is empty, it won't be showed in the menu...

Gnome is a very nice Desktop. Unfortunately, it "feels" pretty broken in SuSE, not very polished and with a messy menu. That's because SuSE has been a KDE-driven distro for a long time. Things might change in the future though... since Novell now owns SuSE and Ximian Desktop... But try it anyway, you might like it, I do... .

Take a look into SuSE forums or IRC. If that's a bug, somebody else is also having that problem and most likely, SuSE will fix it soon.

Good luck!
Old 10-14-2004, 03:59 AM   #3
Senior Member
Registered: Jun 2004
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when you upgrade kde you have to toss the config folders
the old ones will cause bugs and slowness

try backing up them deleting the .config folder and the .kde folder in your home directory
so you can get new ones that are compatable with the new versions


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