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Old 05-30-2002, 11:10 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2002
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It all started when I was installing mPlayer... (gcc question)

Hi all.

I did a search on google for 'linux forum', and found this place..Sems like there's alot of people who knows what they are talking about here, and that's exactly what I need. I have been using mandrake 8.2 for some weeks now, and everything has been working smothly so far,- but now I need help...

I downloaded mPlayer, but when I tryed to run './configure', I got an error-messages saying that I couldn't use gcc 2.96.

So I unistalled the gcc 2.96 files...(I think )
Then I installed gcc-cpp-2.95.2-12mdk.i586.rpm succesfully. But when I tryed to install the file 'gcc-2.95.2-12mdk.i586.rpm', I got some error message saying something about the "devel".... I unistalled "the devel", and installed a new one (glibc-devel-2.2.4-9.1mdk.i586.rpm), but when I try to install the file 'gcc-2.95.2-12mdk.i586.rpm', I get this error-message:

[root@pc40-140 donwload]# rpm -ivh gcc-2.95.2-12mdk.i586.rpm
error: failed dependencies:
gcc < 2.96-0.50mdk conflicts with glibc-devel-2.2.4-9.1mdk

I desperatly need some help here to get gcc 2.95 or 3x installed. What files do I need, and how do I do it?
This is probably a very stupid question, but I hope that some of you can take five minutes and help me out.

My system: Mandrake 8.2, 1GHz Thunderbird, 256 Ram, KT7A Raid MB.

"gcc-files" and "glibc-files" currently on my system:

[root@pc40-140 donwload]# rpm -qa | grep gcc

[root@pc40-140 donwload]# rpm -qa | grep glibc
Old 05-30-2002, 11:30 AM   #2
Registered: May 2002
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I'd rpm -e that gcc-cpp-2.95.2-12mdk and see if you can't rpm -ivh the gcc-cpp-2.96-0.50mdk.i586.rpm file. I think it's worth a shot. Also, out of curiousity, what was the error message you got from your original gcc install and a ./configure ??
Old 05-30-2002, 12:06 PM   #3
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right, i'm taking over. MPlayer is my turf!

reinstall all the gcc-2.96 stuff, you never need to touch it.

then install the gcc3 (should be gcc-3.0.4) packages from the distro cd's. they will live very happily side by side and not complain about each other. MPlayer should then compilie it perfectly well. if it still drops out then it'll be because the gcc-3.0.4 executable is not properly linked to gcc3, so just define it by hand.

./configure -cc=gcc-3.0.4

and that should be fine. If you read some of the MPlayer docs it talks about numerous well known math errors in 2.96 versions of gcc (it was redhat's fault, blame them)
Old 05-30-2002, 02:31 PM   #4
LQ Newbie
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Thank's for the reply's both of you. I have succesfully installed the 3.04 version, and mplayer is up and running. :-)

I'm glad i found this place,- I'v been browsing some of the forums, and I have read alot of interesting stuff. Anyway, thanks for helping out.
Old 05-30-2002, 02:34 PM   #5
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well now you've done it, i'll check you know that mplayer does do rpms now on

MPlayer is so so so good and flexible, and mencoder is THE berst dvd ripper i've ever used by a LONG way. don't let anyone persuade you to use Xine or Ogle... (unless you NEED dvd menus, which aren't fully supported yet).. but you're cool... you don't need a silly menu do you? no thought not.


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