Originally Posted by amachina
Could you please provide more info? Is this your own script that you installed in /etc/init.d or is it a system script that ships with the distribution? If your own, have you analyzed why the script hangs (what is it waiting for?).
In response to your original question, I'm not sure if there is a way to force a timeout, which is why I'm suggesting the steps above.
Sorry I guess I should have given a bit more info.
First, we are using Gentoo. We've added our own timeouts to any piece of code of ours which could hang. Pretty much the only thing we know hangs sometimes its our network bridge, whenever the system is shutting down it stops at "stopping net.br0" and it won't move from there. This only happens every so often, probably less than 5% of the time however our systems are all remote and we can't really have them hanging on reboots when we aren't there to manually fix them.
We actually think we have a fix for the net.br0 hanging but we are assuming thats the only piece of the shutdown cycle that hangs. If there were other pieces hanging it would be very helpful if we could just have a global timeout for all the init scripts. Is there such a thing?