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Old 08-21-2014, 12:18 PM   #1
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I didn't realize I was a Linux Engineer!

The list of competencies covered by the LFCE Exam are:
  • Installing and configuring an Apache web server
  • Setting up name-based virtual web hosts
  • Restricting access to a web page with Apache
  • Installing and configuring the Squid proxy server
  • Restricted access to the Squid proxy server
  • Configuring an http client to automatically use a proxy server
  • Installing and configuring SSL with Apache
  • Configuring Apache log files
  • Installing and configuring an smtp service
  • Configuring email aliases
  • Restricting access to an smtp server
  • Installing and configuring an IMAP and IMAPS service
  • Configuring the firewall with iptables
  • Configuring SSH-based remote access using public/private key pairs

I thought an Engineer would have more to do with, you know, Engineering solutions. This is more what I call "Administration."
Old 08-21-2014, 01:08 PM   #2
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Damn, I do that stuff all day, every day.

find it.
feel it.
fix it.
Old 08-21-2014, 01:09 PM   #3
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Well, the term "Engineer" is something that must be applied very loosely to most job descriptions. What you actually are, is a technician, and it so happens that you are manually doing "common stuff" that can be, probably is, or very soon will be automated. Still, this is a pretty comprehensive breakdown of the ordinary duties that are called-for by people who typically hold these titles. A thorough, well-written course of study that presented (and, tested) your ability to do this laundry-list of things would be apropos.
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Old 08-21-2014, 01:26 PM   #4
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engineers usually design solutions while being bound by budget constraints (time, money, personnel)

technicians have the expertise to follow the established guidelines.

similar to an architect who designs blue-prints and a construction foreman that follows the design.

lately the term engineer became nebulous. i think once upon a time the professional engineers (pe) exam was the authority for individuals to carry the title of engineer; however, recently, i think it is much more popular for the bachelor of science in engineering (bse) degree to be the de facto standard of who is an engineer (practicing or not). and most engineers are not doctorates (excluding professors and research fellows) further blurring the line between engineer and technician.

Last edited by schneidz; 08-21-2014 at 01:41 PM.


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