07-19-2003, 06:00 AM
Registered: Oct 2002
Location: Guangdong,Chinese
Distribution: Redhat AS 3.0 + FC1
Posts: 72
gnomemeeting problems !!!
8.2.3. I do not hear people, but they can hear me, or I can hear people but they don't hear me
The first thing to do is to use the GnomeMeeting configuration druid, it will help you to test your driver compatibility and to test the robustness of your driver. It will also give you interesting hints to help debugging your problems. Once you are sure that things are working correctly because you have tested your audio setup with the druid, you can debug further.
The first thing to check is the "General History" (Tools->General History).
If you are transmitting sound, you should see that GnomeMeeting starts 2 channels, one for transmission, and one for reception. If no channels are opened for audio transmission and reception, it means that you have no common codec with the remote Endpoint. If that remote Endpoint is using Netmeeting, it could be a nice idea to make your friend install the MS-GSM codec. (See the download section of www.gnomemeeting.org).
If audio channels are opened for transmission and reception, ie if there is a common codec, and if you have tested your audio configuration with the GnomeMeeting druid and that it worked but you have no sound during calls, it means that you or your friend is behind a firewall that drops the audio packets. Check that it is not the case. Also make sure that your friend has a correct audio setup.
but i real dont know whose problems are. he can hear me but i cannot get his voice. what's wrong with my gnomemeeting or him ?