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Old 10-28-2004, 05:18 PM   #1
Registered: Dec 2003
Location: New Zealand
Distribution: Mandriva 2006 64
Posts: 45

Rep: Reputation: 15
gift-Gnutella & gift-openft initial host files

I have just install gift with giFTui and three plugs, OpenFT, Gnutella, and FastTrack. Of these only Fasttrack connects.

I believe the problem is likely to be the lack of valid initial hosts files for each.

Log files are as follows
OpenFT: ft_session.c:595(ft_session_connect): attempting connection to
[11:11:15] OpenFT: ft_session.c:595(ft_session_connect): attempting connection to
[11:11:15] OpenFT: ft_session.c:595(ft_session_connect): attempting connection to
[11:11:15] OpenFT: ft_session.c:595(ft_session_connect): attempting connection to
[11:11:15] OpenFT: ft_session.c:595(ft_session_connect): attempting connection to
[11:11:15] OpenFT: ft_session.c:595(ft_session_connect): attempting connection to
[11:11:15] OpenFT: (USER) -> DISCO: Socket error: No route to host
[11:11:15] OpenFT: (USER) -> DISCO: Socket error: Connection refused
[11:11:16] OpenFT: (USER) -> DISCO: Socket error: Connection refused
[11:11:16] OpenFT: (USER) -> DISCO: Socket error: Connection refused
[11:11:16] OpenFT: (USER) -> DISCO: Socket error: Connection refused
[11:14:26] Gnutella: No hosts to try. Looking in gwebcaches...
[11:14:26] Gnutella: Retrying to connect to nodes...
[11:14:36] Gnutella: try_some_nodes() returned 0. node list len=0
[11:14:36] Gnutella: No hosts to try. Looking in gwebcaches...

There is a common link referenced for OpenFT as as
but this link appears broken at present. I am less sure about the Gnutella setup.

Can anyone send me or point me in the right direction for these initial host files.
Old 10-28-2004, 05:37 PM   #2
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both need to go in their respective protocol directores within ~/.giftd
Old 10-28-2004, 06:14 PM   #3
Registered: Dec 2003
Location: New Zealand
Distribution: Mandriva 2006 64
Posts: 45

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Thank you Chris - have installed the files in their respective directories.
OpenFT has burst into life but Gnutella logs still show as follows:

[12:12:58] Gnutella: try_some_nodes() returned 0. node list len=0
[12:12:58] Gnutella: No hosts to try. Looking in gwebcaches...
[12:12:58] Gnutella: Retrying to connect to nodes...

This repeats

I still think i've not quite got the setup right but any pointers would be appreciated.
Old 07-06-2011, 05:42 AM   #4
LQ Newbie
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Would you send me the latest nodes for OpenFT and latest gwebcaches for gnutella

Thanks in advance.
Old 02-06-2012, 06:55 PM   #5
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2012
Distribution: Slackware 13
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Angry Same problem here...

(sorry for bad english).I've using Slackware 13, gift version, and Gnutella I having this SAME problem >

[22:20:08] Gnutella: try_some_nodes() returned 0. node list len=0
[22:20:08] Gnutella: No hosts to try. Looking in gwebcaches...
[22:20:08] Gnutella: gt_web_cache.c:583(check_dns_error): lookup failed on "none": Unknown host
[22:20:08] Gnutella: Retrying to connect to nodes...

i've tried to add this hosts ( to ~/.giFT/Gnutella/files , but didn't work, it appears they dont read the hosts OR no one of then is valid.

any help will be appreciated, thanks please help us, Appears to much people with this problem in the Google !!! an one "important" thing: ALL protocols still running, because all your respective default ports stay listening, look this at netstat -lnpt |grep (port number of protocol).


I'm having connection problems with ALL networks, i'll be post your respective errors, for those have this program working nicely can help me i know that is an OLD post than i revived, but no one have any idea of may be wrong ? I'm using and adsl-pppoe connection, without bridge, hard-firewall or iptables or nothing intermediating the connection.

The problem isnt the Gnutella net, because i migrated to GTK_Gnutella. Just dont wanna give up !

--Ares error:
[00:04:37] reaped child process 5698
[00:04:37] Ares: as_share_man.c:235(as_shareman_add_and_submit): Submitted 62 of 62 shares to 0 supernodes.
^C[00:04:40] Ares: asp_plugin.c:284(asp_giftcb_destroy): Shutting down.
[00:04:40] Ares: as_node_man.c:527(as_nodeman_save): Saved 353 nodes in node file
[00:04:40] Ares: as_ares.c:222(as_cleanup): Cleaning up Ares library...
[00:04:40] Ares: as_session_man.c:78(as_sessman_connect): Requested: 0, connected: 0, connecting: 10

--FastTrack Error

[00:07:07] FastTrack: fst_fasttrack.c:769(fst_giftcb_start): Http server listening on port 1214
[00:07:07] FastTrack: fst_session.c:128(fst_session_connect): connecting to, load: 50%
[00:07:07] FastTrack: fst_session.c:128(fst_session_connect): connecting to, load: 50%
[00:07:07] FastTrack: fst_session.c:128(fst_session_connect): connecting to, load: 50%
[00:07:07] FastTrack: fst_session.c:128(fst_session_connect): connecting to, load: 50%
[00:07:07] FastTrack: fst_session.c:128(fst_session_connect): connecting to, load: 50%
[00:07:07] FastTrack: fst_fasttrack.c:229(fst_plugin_connect_next): discovery cycle started with 10 UDP pings
[00:07:07] giFT: giftd.c:744(init_transfer): recovered 0 state transfers

--OpenFt >> same error of David_Skinner.

Apparently, the solution is migrate to another p2p software. Thanks and sorry for the incovenient.

Last edited by k0rn; 02-09-2012 at 08:19 PM.


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