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Old 05-31-2004, 05:45 PM   #1
Registered: May 2004
Distribution: Fedora 4 and Slackware
Posts: 179

Rep: Reputation: 30
Unhappy CUPS several probs help plz


I have been battling CUPS for the past week and have had little luck. First my situation:

Using RH8 distribution. Installed CUPS v. 1.1.21 rc1 and ESP Ghostscript from cups dot org
Also installed recommended .ppd file from linuxprinting dot org (hpijs)
I am trying to install a HP LaserJet 5L on my only printer port (/dev/lp0)

I can view and play around with the GUI tool at localhost:631so I dont think Im behind a firewall.
I can add printers using the GUI tool and all is well.

I also tried the command line:
lpadmin -p HPLJ -E -v parallel:/dev/lp0 -m pddfilename.ppd
which 'works' as it should.

Now is where the trouble begins.

Whenever I use the "Print Test Page" or use "lpr blah.txt" to print I get no messages whatsoever but nothing happens! I go to check the completed jobs in the GUI and it says all are "aborted". If I click "restart job" I get the dreaded "client-error-not-possible" as described in so many posts

So I began trying the many solutions presented in the many forums I've visited. Some things I've tried are (but not limited to):

Uninstalling LPRng
Reinstalling (I went through the whole process) CUPS and ESP GS MANY times.
Played around with the cupsd.conf and client.conf config files
Using lpc, lpinfo, lpstat diagnostic tools

The result... I've made things worse, now when I try to install a printer from the command line I get the following error:

lpadmin: Unable to connect to server: Bad file descriptor

The GUI isnt much help either.

Here are some sites I used:
Along with a TON of other forumn posts and such.

So please, if anyone has any idea what I an to do please post. I am tearing my hair out over this one!!!

Thank you so much in advance;
A desperate linux user

(ps sorry for all the dot org's linux questions wont let me post url's yet cause im a new user)
Old 05-31-2004, 07:56 PM   #2
Registered: May 2004
Distribution: Fedora 4 and Slackware
Posts: 179

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Rep: Reputation: 30
Hi again;

I've been working on my problem since I posted this forumn and would like to update all of you on my progress.

1. The lpadmin: Unable to connect to server: Bad file descriptor error was a stupid mistake that occurred when I typed lpadmin -E -p .... The -p MUST be the first paramenter

2. The client-error-not-possible is the result of the PreserveJobFiles flag NOT being set. I set it and this problem dissapered.

I am now at a good and bad stage of this troubleshooting process. I fixed bugs but my major problem has not been fixed and Im all out of ideas.

The problem is that for some reason whenver I add a printer using the GUI or command line it will add but will not print?? I am confused. The DeskJet is said to work perfectly with linux on linuxprinting dot org. My printer is on the /dev/lp0 port, the only parallel port and Im sure there is nothing wrong with the port (its worked in the past).

I also have tried setting the printer device to file:/dev/lp0 and parallel:/dev/lp0 neither of which work

Any ideas or help is appreciated;
Old 05-31-2004, 09:22 PM   #3
Registered: May 2004
Distribution: Fedora 4 and Slackware
Posts: 179

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Rep: Reputation: 30
Hi again;

Another update.
Getting close real close

Anyways, I have been visiting the linuxprinting dot org web site several times when I was further looking into the hpijs driver. I clicked on the corresponding link and when I was taken to the HP site I found that the driver was infact a driver package, as opposed to a single file that I had downloaded on linuxprinting dot org. So I downloaded the package and followed the instruction to install it. I killed the CUPS process and used the GUI tool to install a printer (note for all HP owners out there, when it prompts you to select 'make' choose the HP option NOT the 'Hewlett-Packard' option). The next menu was the model menu, which was significantly larger than before and I chose my model (5L).

The results:

Not working properly, but it is somewhat working now.

I can print a file from the command prompt using lpr -P PrinterName /filetoprint.txt

But the test button in the GUI tool does not work (though when I push it the light on the printer does flash as if it is preparing to print) and trying to print from File>Print in any X-window program will NOT work.

Anyways, I will keep on trying and will hopefully get it.

As for this post, I just want to say that linuxprinting dot org is an awesome website and has been much help but I recommend downloading drivers directly from the manufacturers site inorder to ensure your getting the right thing.

Hope I will have the solution for my next post.

Once again if anyone has any ideas or anything to contribute you are more than welcome to.

Old 05-31-2004, 10:10 PM   #4
Registered: May 2004
Distribution: Fedora 4 and Slackware
Posts: 179

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Rep: Reputation: 30
Hi again;

Im sorry but I lied in m last post. I can pretty much print everything except for the test page and mozilla web pages.

I have no idea why the test page wont print, and frankly I dont care.

As for the mozilla pages, I do care. I cannot print pages from file>print. I tried to print to a postscript file then print the postscript file using the command line but that does not work (for the web pages, all other ps files work from the cmd line).

Will keep on looking, I have a feeling it has something to do with mozilla and not CUPS.

But the end is in sight!!!

I will be sure to keep this thread updated.

Once again if anyone has a solution or theory to my dillema please post.

Old 10-02-2004, 02:11 AM   #5
Registered: Jan 2003
Distribution: Slackware 9.1
Posts: 67

Rep: Reputation: 15
Originally posted by movitto
2. The client-error-not-possible is the result of the PreserveJobFiles flag NOT being set. I set it and this problem dissapered.
What's this flag, and where is it located? You posted in one of my threads several weeks ago, and now I'm renewing my efforts to get my computer printing again (well, for the first time on slackware). I've gotten so far as to install the stupid printer, but I'm also getting the infamous "client-error-not-possible" message.

I'm getting pretty frustrated now. . . .
Old 10-02-2004, 12:01 PM   #6
Registered: May 2004
Distribution: Fedora 4 and Slackware
Posts: 179

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Rep: Reputation: 30
See mny recent post here:
Old 10-18-2004, 11:13 PM   #7
Registered: Jan 2003
Distribution: Slackware 9.1
Posts: 67

Rep: Reputation: 15
I tried what you recommended and it still hasn't worked.

I went and read everything relating to my printer on and no luck :-(

Do you think an upgrade to Slack 10 will do anything?


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