Hi again;
Another update.
Getting close real close
Anyways, I have been visiting the linuxprinting dot org web site several times when I was further looking into the hpijs driver. I clicked on the corresponding link and when I was taken to the HP site I found that the driver was infact a driver package, as opposed to a single file that I had downloaded on linuxprinting dot org. So I downloaded the package and followed the instruction to install it. I killed the CUPS process and used the GUI tool to install a printer (note for all HP owners out there, when it prompts you to select 'make' choose the HP option NOT the 'Hewlett-Packard' option). The next menu was the model menu, which was significantly larger than before and I chose my model (5L).
The results:
Not working properly, but it is somewhat working now.
I can print a file from the command prompt using lpr -P PrinterName /filetoprint.txt
But the test button in the GUI tool does not work (though when I push it the light on the printer does flash as if it is preparing to print) and trying to print from File>Print in any X-window program will NOT work.
Anyways, I will keep on trying and will hopefully get it.
As for this post, I just want to say that linuxprinting dot org is an awesome website and has been much help but I recommend downloading drivers directly from the manufacturers site inorder to ensure your getting the right thing.
Hope I will have the solution for my next post.
Once again if anyone has any ideas or anything to contribute you are more than welcome to.