plz plz solve my route mapping problem
Actually i have to count number of routers to reach a specific IP. What i did is i created a packet with the help of DatagramPacket class and used the method "setAddress(InetAddress ip)".NOTE:I m sending the packet to my self...
DatagramPacket obj3= new DatagramPacket(data1,10,obj2.getLocalHost(),25);
Now since this class sends the packet thru a connectionless facility.
therefore i didn't used the DatagramSocket function connect.
Then i used the function of class DatagramSocket the function is
Now to count number of routers i have to use the abstract class DatagramSocketImpl and its method getTimeToLive() and setTimeToLive()
Since these methods are abstract what would be its implementation.......
Shall i receive that sent packet(which was sent to me by myself) how will i access its new TTL value updated by ROUTER........, with which function i will get the intermediate IP's(i.e. Router IP's)
Kindly solve my problem...............