Greetings all,
I am having a small issue with installing ( and using ) the Tcl bridge for Perl with my Fedora Core 5 installation. I downloaded and installed both ActivePerl & ActiveTcl with no problems at all. Then I downloaded the Tcl & Tcl::Tk modules ( zipped ) and installed them through PPM locally ( off the drive, because my laptop cannot be networked or connected to internet ). All went well so far.
When I come to use the Tcl ( or Tcl::Tk ) module in Perl I get the following error.
NpLoadLibrary: could not find Tcl dll
As far as I am aware, DLL's are used only in Windows and everything I have installed is for Linux so I cannot fathom why a DLL is attempting to be loaded. The ~/ActiveTcl/bin directory is in my path, as per the installers instructions..
In Windows installing these were a breeze so I expect the solution to this to be quite simple yet my internet searches ( on Google ) have revealed nothing. Do I somehow need to include the ~/AvtiveTcl/lib somewhere ( such as PATH ) ?
Any solutions or pointers would be greatly appreciated.