Bridging networks
I need a dedicated network bridge, that bridges a wireless network and a wired one. The wired card can vary, i have several name brand ones that i'm sure theres a decent driver for. (Realtek, Netgeat, ect)
The only wireless card i have is an ASUS wireless g/b, chipset:
0353 a7p
I'm currently trying to get freeSCO to work, but there is no driver support for this card. I would perferr if the driver supported wireless G, as thats what i'm running, and this will be used to transfer files on the LAN (as well as internet traffic)
The biggest problem is i dont have a spare hard drive, so i need this to boot and run off of a floppy disk, with the possibility of a CD as well. (but i dislike bootable CD's, i'm bad with them and some of my drives dont like to boot off of them) I'd perferr to keep the whole thing on a floppy.