Originally Posted by MisterTickle
I want only my IP and toord to be able to access the server but, I woudl like to add IPs every now and than to give other people access for various things and new business partners and so on.
- Check your /etc/hosts.deny. If it has just one rule reading "ALL: ALL" that is OK. Check your /etc/hosts.allow. Add a line "sshd:
n.n.n." where "n.n.n." (don't forget the trailing dot!) is the first three octets of your IP address. So if yours would be "" you would make it read "sshd: 1.2.3.".
- Open your /etc/ssh/sshd_config and look for the line "PermitRootLogin" and ensure it says "no". Look for lines "AllowUsers" and "AllowGroups" if there are none add them: "AllowUsers toord" and "AllowGroups toord".
- (Later on you can add users and groups to the AllowUsers and AllowGroups directives.)
- (Later on, when we have dealt with pubkey auth, you will set PasswordAuthentication to read "no".)
Originally Posted by MisterTickle
I installed Atop but, I'm not sure what to use it for or how to run it.
Most commands you run will have one or more manual pages and often documentation in /usr/share/doc/{applicationname-version}. Get accustomed to reading them to get a clue. Atop starts on boot with /etc/rc.d/init.d/atop, gets restarted daily with /etc/cron.d/atop (/etc/atop/atop.daily) and runs as daemon with a default 10 second interval for taking samples which get logged to /var/log/atop/. The file can be read back and stepped through with 'atop -r /var/log/atop/{file name}'.
Originally Posted by MisterTickle
Okay should I go along and run the IP tables script? ( I need instructions how to make a script and run it still ) and
Copy the contents of the script to a file, let's call it "/tmp/iptables.sh", and before the "# End
exit 0" line add a line "sleep 5m && service iptables stop" (w/o quotes) so it reads "# End
sleep 5m && service iptables stop
exit 0". This ensures the script runs and after 5 minutes the firewall is reset, giving you the opportunity to check the log and make adjustments. Now run as 'sudo /bin/bash /tmp/iptables.sh'. Suggestion: if you have a local Linux workstation, or use virtualization (VMware, Qemu, Virtual Box) to install a Linux distribution, you can test things out without harming your server. Highly recommended.