Hi there,
Yes it is possible. What you need to do is instead of using the default /misc directory use a collaboration directory or what we called a share directory. Here are the steps that you can use:
1. Create a group using groupadd. Ex: groupadd shared
2. Add the user to that group using the following command: usermod -G group_name username
3. Change the ownership of that directory using following command: chown nobody.shared /directory_path
4. Change the permission on the directory using chmod as follows: chmod 2770 /directory_path
5. Create a new file in /etc or any location say, I am creating file in /etc for example: vi /etc/auto.restricted
6. Put the following in /etc/auto.restricted file: mountpointname <put a tab> -fstype=ext3 <put a tab> Directory_location_on_the_remote_server. So this can come down as follow:
shared -fstype=ext3,rw myserver.test.com:/home/shared
7. Edit auto.master file and add the following line just below /misc line: /location_on_local_server_where_to_mount <put a tab> /etc/auto.restricted --timeout=60. So it will come down as follows:
/tmp/shared /etc/auto.restricted --timeout=60
Here we are instructing the automounter that directory via autofs will mount under the shared directory and use /etc/auto.restricted to get the mounting information.
I hope this helps