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Old 06-18-2007, 07:11 AM   #1
Registered: May 2006
Location: Bangalore, INDIA
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Clarification reg changing the existing name server to a new name server

Hi All,

My organisation registered a domain name under the .in domain.
After that we found that new domian name was successfully registered and it was hosted by the
ISP itself.
The issue here is that my organisation wants to host the domain name themselves . For that there is some provision
in the ISP's website to change the name server record.

But it is asking only for the hostname of the new name server . There I can give either the hostname or ip
address of the new name server.

I was just wondering if I provide only the ip address or hostname but not both, then whether my domain name
will be resolved at the Internet.
What I understand is that by asking the ISP to change the name server record to a new name server that will
be hosted by us, it will be like the ISP has delegated the authority of the domain name to our organisation.
But for that , the ISP needs to add a glue record for our name server which will consist of both name server and
its corresponding ip address.
But the ISP is asking for only one of them .

So , please clarify my doubt that if I provide either the hostname or ip address , will my domain name will be resolved in internet.
Old 06-19-2007, 04:11 PM   #2
LQ Guru
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A couple of definitions:

ISP = Internet Service Provider - Company that provides your IPs

Registrar = Company that register's your DNS domain name.

They CAN be the same company but don't have to be (and usually aren't in the U.S. - not sure about India).

At the ISP they have to delegate the IP address range to you in their DNS server and that delegation would point at your DNS server NAME. This is to do reverse lookups (lookups by IP rather than name).

At the Registrar you have to provide them with your name servers names AND IPs. Any query for your domain would first go to the Registrar then be sent to your name server. The reason the ISP only needs your name server's name is they would refer the request to your Registrar which would know the IP of the name server.

If you do a "whois" for your domain it should show you which registrar is claiming that and which DNS name servers are currently resolving requests for that domain.


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