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Linux - Newbie This Linux forum is for members that are new to Linux.
Just starting out and have a question? If it is not in the man pages or the how-to's this is the place!


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Old 08-28-2003, 04:54 PM   #1
Registered: Aug 2003
Location: Spain
Distribution: Ubuntu
Posts: 897

Rep: Reputation: 30
Whats Qt/X11?

I seem to be getting errors when I try to compile and do make... I have come to the conclusion that its somthing to do with QT... although I dont know what it is I think it might be set up wrong or I need a newer version, I found a page on how to upgrade... but maby someone could give me a bit of a quick run down on what it is!

here is the page I found:

Old 08-28-2003, 05:24 PM   #2
Senior Member
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Qt is the libraries that the KDE desktop uses.

What are you trying to compile and what errors are you getting?
Old 08-28-2003, 05:40 PM   #3
LQ Guru
Registered: Feb 2003
Location: Sparta, NC USA
Distribution: Ubuntu 10.04
Posts: 5,141

Rep: Reputation: 60
Details get more direct answers to questions.

Here are some possible help links until you post the details of what you can't figure out.
# Guides to software management
LNAG - How do I install a program I downloaded from the Internet?
Rute Guide's software explanation
You might want to check out CheckInstall to manage source code installations/uninstallation

# Red Hat links
Red Hat Linux Manuals
Get your mp3 support here
Maximum RPM
Easier software management: apt4rpm - Red Carpet
Red Hat 8.0 Tips & Tricks

# Red Hat 7.3 down configuration commands
setup leads to several configuration tools

# Red Hat 7.3 up configuration commands
Configure soundcard:
Configure X server:
Configure network:
Manage software:

# Handling NTFS
New Technology FileSystem (NTFS) HOWTOs
Linux NTFS project
Old 08-29-2003, 04:34 PM   #4
Registered: Aug 2003
Location: Spain
Distribution: Ubuntu
Posts: 897

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Rep: Reputation: 30

Hey... I dont seem to be able to very many programs to work I am reading the rute users guide but it will be another couple of months before I have read it

I think I should really just stick to RPMs its just I cant seem to find any site that has many programs complied for 686 RH9.

A side problem I am having is that Xawtv (installed by default) runs but
produces the following error. I get a TV screen but just fuzz and cant seem to tune in any channels, I have tried all the graphical settings but it doesnt seem to change anything.

This is xawtv-3.88, running on Linux/i686 (2.4.20-9)
Warning: Cannot convert string "-*-ledfixed-medium-r-*--39-*-*-*-c-*-*-*" to type FontStruct
IRQ's not enabled, falling back to busy waits: 7 0 0
[adam@localhost adam]$

I have been downloading lots of TV programs and trying to get them to work hoping that they will setup what ever is needed so I can view the tv but with out success!!

Any ideas where I can download some stable easy to deal with RPMs for general stuff like TV progs, games, utils?

Old 08-29-2003, 04:45 PM   #5
LQ Guru
Registered: Feb 2003
Location: Sparta, NC USA
Distribution: Ubuntu 10.04
Posts: 5,141

Rep: Reputation: 60
Is your TV card supported? Did you run scantv? I have found the channel numbers to be one number more than the actual channel.

I had a LifeView TV tuner card that wouldn't work. I got an ATI TV tuner card (something with a VE in it) and it works. My .xawtv config file:
fullscreen = 768 x 576
ratio = 4:3 
freqtab = us-bcast
pixsize = 128 x 96
pixcols = 1
jpeg-quality = 75
keypad-ntsc = no
keypad-partial = yes
osd = yes   
midi = 64:0

mixer = M, gtkaumix
AleVT = Ctrl+A, alevt

# [Station name]
# capture = overlay | grabdisplay | on | off
# input = Television | Composite1 | S-Video | ...
# norm = PAL | NTSC | SECAM | ...
# channel = #
# fine = # (-128..+127)
# key = keysym | modifier+keysym
# color = # 
# bright = #
# hue = #  
# contrast = #

norm = (null)
input = (null)
capture = over
color = 50%
bright = 50%
contrast = 50%

channel = 36
fine = +9  
norm = ntsc
input = television
key = F1

channel = 37
fine = +9
norm = ntsc
input = television
key = F2

channel = 46
fine = +9  
norm = ntsc
input = television
key = F3

channel = 47
fine = +9
norm = ntsc
input = television
key = F4

channel = 49
fine = +9   
norm = ntsc
input = television
key = F5

channel = 56  
fine = +9
norm = ntsc
input = television
key = F6

channel = 2 
norm = ntsc
input = composite1
key = F12

Last edited by fancypiper; 08-29-2003 at 04:51 PM.
Old 08-29-2003, 06:51 PM   #6
Registered: Aug 2003
Location: Spain
Distribution: Ubuntu
Posts: 897

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Rep: Reputation: 30
ScanTV not there

scantv doesnt seem to exist... could this be somthing to do with the fact that xawtv was part of my dist?

Old 08-29-2003, 07:09 PM   #7
LQ Guru
Registered: Feb 2003
Location: Sparta, NC USA
Distribution: Ubuntu 10.04
Posts: 5,141

Rep: Reputation: 60
scantv is part of xawtv

From man xawtv:
Just start xawtv. Then verify the settings in the options menu (right mouse button) and adjust the settings
(TV norm, Video source, freqency table). With the cursor keys you can control the tuner and look for TV
Stations. Other useful hotkeys are listed below.

The hotkey 'E' will show the channel editor where you can create/edit entries your TV stations. Don't for-
get to click on "save" to write a config file. You can also create/edit a config file with any text editor,
see xawtvrc(5) for a description of the config file syntax. There are a number of config options which can
only be set by editing the config file.

You can also check out scantv. That's a command line tool which will perform a channel scan and write out a
xawtv config file with all channels it has found.
Old 08-30-2003, 06:23 AM   #8
Registered: Aug 2003
Location: Spain
Distribution: Ubuntu
Posts: 897

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 30
Well I cant find it

I also read the manual that mentioned scantv but I cant seem to find SCANTV Mind you when I type rpm -evv xawtv it says that xawtv is not installed??? I was thinking that maby if I removed it all and then installed it again that would fix things but I cant even seem to do that!



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