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Old 09-24-2007, 06:43 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2007
Posts: 11

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Smile vga=773 - not working in RHEL 5 (can't get the 1024x768 res. during the bootup)

Hi !!

As i mentioned in the subject i can't get the "1024x768" resolution in RHEL 5 during the boot process[NO tux logo]
After doing some searching i figured out that this is something to do with the "Frame Buffer"
I used [rhel dvd.iso - x386]to installed. Is the frame buffer support is missing from RHEL 5 ?? OR else is it something wrong with my disk.
[I'm studying for RHCT and recently i received the dvd from my lecturer]

Earlier i was using "RHEL 4 ES" and managed to get the nice small font with the tux logo.[after editing the grub with "vga=773"]

Can some one please help me to sort out this.I hate those big bold fonts during the bootUP

thank you


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