SuSE 8.1 Pro: User & Group Mgmt work as in Manual?
I'm having a devil of a time creating users and groups and rights so I can use SuSE 8.1 Pro's vsftpd (Very Secure FTP Daemon) in both Anonymous and Named User modes, with permissions to create directories and files in directories I specify. My questions are: (1) does it actually work as specified in the (User?) Manual? (2) Is SuSE almost or exactly like other Lini (Linuxes) for this task?(3) Where can I find a detailed description of how to do all this, e.g. the User Manual? I got the 4 CD's from a friend who also doesn't have the manual.
Please keep in mind I am a real newbie, been in front of a Linux screen about 4 hours total, so please be specific, i.e. use actual command text, not a general task name. I'm very experienced with PC's, DOS and Windows, tho.
Thanks for any help.