user & group quota !!
I have created one partition to do some testing for quota.
[e.g. /etc/fstab
/dev/hda3 /quota ext2 defaults,usrquota,grpquota 0 0 ]
after revised the partition i remount the /quota with "mount -o remount /qouta"
Also, i have establise the quota files with 1) quota.user 2) under /quota directory. (manually)
then i set up the user quota:
edauota -u user [normal user]
Disk quotas for user hitesh (uid 503):
Filesystem blocks soft hard inodes soft hard
/dev/hda3 1263 0 0 253 0 0
and then i verify the quota with "quota -u hitesh", see following text.
[root@domain etc]# quota -u hitesh
Disk quotas for user hitesh (uid 503): none
[root@domain etc]#
Turing the quota checking:
[root@domain etc]# quotaon -av
quotaon: using /quota/ on /dev/hda3 [/quota]: No such process
quotaon: Quota format not supported in kernel.
quotaon: using /quota/quota.user on /dev/hda3 [/quota]: No such process
quotaon: Quota format not supported in kernel.
[root@domain etc]#
but when i reboot the system and check,it's enabling the quota services. I manually copied some files under /home/hitesh directory and try to check user quota [hitesh]with remount the /quota partition. stil it showing "none". i do not what's i doing some thing wrong? can any one help....
1) How can i check how much quota use by user?
2) can i check quote status in graph (GUI)?
3) is there any other motehod or way to configure quota?
Thanx in advance...