Though I've used tar to extract files for software I've downloaded in the past, this is my first effort at creating a tar file and extracting it. I'm using openSuSE 11.1/KDE 4.1 on one machine (the source, as described below), and Kubuntu 9.04 on the other.
I have a directory on the source computer (/datalib) which I want to copy to the second machine. I made a tarball of the directory using
tar -cf datalib.tar /datalib/*
That appears to have completed successfully -- at least, I have a file named datalib.tar that is ~30GB, and I can see the names of the directories and files within the tarball.
Then I copied the .tar file to the other machine (named Kodiak) using
scp -p datalib.tar Kodiak:/datalib/
That process took about 40 minutes, and at the end of that time, I could see .tar file on the other machine.
Then I moved to the other machine to extract the files, and that's where I ran into trouble. I used
tar -xvf datalib.tar
and the entire contents of the .tar file scrolled down the screen, but each listing was followed by
Cannot open: No such file or directory
The .tar file on the Kodiak machine is the same size as the original, and I am able to list the files using
tar -tvf datalib.tar
I am at a loss to know why I'm told there's no such file or directory.
I wrote the tarball in the /datalib directory on the original machine, and I copied it to the /datalib directory on the Kodiak machine. I do not find anything in the --help or man pages that appears to point in a direction helpful to me.