gcc: installation problem, cannot exec `cc1': No such file or directory Error Message
I puchased SuSE Personal 9.1 just recently and began learing about Linux through a book I bought. When I got to the section on compiling a simple C program, I found out that SuSE Personal 9.1 doesn't include a c compiler- arrrghhh!!! I tried man gcc and it stated no manual entry found..etc...etc....Anyways, after a couple of days trying to figure what to do I finally decided to download the following RPM packages: gcc 3.3, binutils and glibc-devel. I tried to download the most recent rpm's available. Luckily, because I am a big-time Linux newbie I was able to install these packages through YaST. After YaST was through it showed that all the packages were installed. So, I went to the command prompt typed in man gcc and the man pages popped up!!! I was so exicited. Anways, to my disappointment, I then typed in gcc hello.c to simply see if my c program would simply compile and I get the following error: gcc: installation problem, cannot exec `cc1': No such file or directory.
This error is just to cryptic for me to handle and I have heard that the this website is very supportive so I am hoping some people could possible lend a hand in helping me figure out how to solve this problem. There may be more than one problem to solve, but solving this may help things along.
Could it have something to do with the PATH? I am cluless about changing PATH's etc... I have seen that a couple of times googling for this error message. Anyways, if could get some help that would be excellent. Thanks.
Newbie James