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Old 11-09-2005, 05:48 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2005
Distribution: Mandriva 2006
Posts: 21

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Solution Dual Boot Windows & Linux [ALL DONE IN WINDOWS] No Linux terminology

This muli-boot or dual boot method requires no Linux terminology or linux knowledge.
It's all done in Windows.

If your computer bypass Lilo or Grub and goes striaght to Windows
this is definitely for you

What you will need
1. Download Mbrwiz.exe (freeware) -Google It
Note: Bootpart doesn't work on all Distros

2. Floppy or Flashdrive

3. Lilo or Grub (already installed on Linux)
[Most modern Distros include Lilo or Grub in the basic install nowadays]

1. Boot to Windows
2. Open the Command Prompt
3. Extract Mbrwiz into C Drive

General Functions of MBRWiz

MBRWiz - Version 1.52 for Windows XP/2K/PE November 13, 2003
Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Roger Layton

Usage: MBRWiz [/option]
/List List MBR Entries
/Disk=# Selects the disk to use. 0 is used if not specified
/Hide=# Hides the Partition number specified by #, or * for all
/Unhide=# Unhides the Partition number specified by #, or * for all
/Active=# Activates the Partition specified by #
/Inactive=# De-activates the Partition number specified by #, or * for all
/Del=# Deletes the partition specified by #
/Wipe=# 1=Wipes the MBR, 2-Wipes the first 63 sectors of disk
/Save=x Saves the MBR to filename 'x'
/Restore=x Reads and restores the Disk MBR from filename 'x'
/ShowFile=x Shows contents of an existing MBR backup file named 'x'
/BootMenu Allows user to select an active partition from a menu
/Sort Sort MBR Entries by disk location
/IsSorted Returns 0 if MBR partitions are already sorted
/Shutdown=# 1-Forces OS shutdown, 2-Forces OS Reboot
/Result Shows Errorlevel code

All funtions return 0 on success, > 0 on error


I. START (All OS must be already Installed on the drives or partitions)
(2 drives Method)

C:\>mbrwiz /list
Note: Results
MBRWiz - Version 1.52 for Windows XP/2K/PE November 13, 2003
Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Roger Layton

Disk: 0 Size= 76G
Pos MBRndx Type/Name Size Active Hide Start Sector Sectors
--- ------ ---------- ---- ------ ---- ------------ ------------
0 0 07-NTFS 76G Yes No 63 156,280,257

Disk: 1 Size= 38G
Pos MBRndx Type/Name Size Active Hide Start Sector Sectors
--- ------ ---------- ---- ------ ---- ------------ ------------
0 0 83-Linux 6.0G Yes No 63 12,284,937
1 1 05-FAT16x 32G No No 12,285,000 65,889,180

End of example

Disk:0 = Hard Drive 1st (WindowsXP Already Installed)
Disk:1 = Hard Drive 2nd (Mandriva Linux Already Installed)

In my results, mbrwiz says my linux is in Disk:1 and It's Active and type 83

II. BACKUP MBR (two drives)


Backup (if no floppy,use the flashdrive (F)
C:\>mbrwiz /disk=0 /save=A:\Backupfilename.bin
C:\>mbrwiz /disk=1 /save=A:\Backupfilename2.bin

To restore(done at the end)
C:\>mbrwiz /disk=0 /restore=A:\Backupfilename.bin
C:\>mbrwiz /disk=1 /restore=A:\Backupfilename2.bin

C:\>mbrwiz /disk=1 /save=A:\Linuxboot_filename.lnx

(if no floppy,use the Flashdrive(F)

IV. CHECK[optional]

C:\>mbrwiz /showfile=A:\Linuxboot_filename.lnx
MBRWiz - Version 1.52 for Windows XP/2K/PE November 13, 2003
Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Roger Layton

Displaying contents of MBR from file:

Pos MBRndx Type/Name Size Active Hide Start Sector Sectors
--- ------ ---------- ---- ------ ---- ------------ ------------
0 0 83-Linux 6.0G Yes No 63 12,284,937
1 1 05-FAT16x 32G No No 12,285,000 65,889,180

End of example.

Is it the same as the mbrwiz /list command? Yes

Additional Info:
To prove Bootpart wrong try this with bootpart lnx or bin file
--bootpart file will display unknown drives

A:\>copy Linuxboot_filename.lnx c:
1 file(s) copied.

VI. RESTORE (two drives)
C:\>mbrwiz /disk=0 /restore=A:\Backupfilename.bin
C:\>mbrwiz /disk=1 /restore=A:\Backupfilename2.bin

C:\>copy boot.ini a:



[boot loader]
[operating systems]
signature(eb86f6dd)disk(1)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /fastdetect
C:\Linuxboot_filename.lnx="Anyname here"

end of example

Do not change the following information
this information varies in computers
[operating systems]
signature(eb86f6dd)disk(1)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /fastdetect

Include quotes in "Anyname here"
Make sure timeout=30

Save file

do not rename "boot.ini" ever

Now Restart

Now when your computer restart you will get the following option

Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Anyname here

if not satisfy
A:\>copy boot.ini c:

if you need partitions instructions Reply to let me know
remember it's all done in Windows
Old 11-09-2005, 05:50 PM   #2
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Since we tend to install a bootloader during our Linux install, why would we need this?
Old 11-09-2005, 06:04 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
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Some Newbies have trouble using Lilo or Grub. too much Linux terminology for a newbie. Some Windows OS such as XP overwrite the MBR and makes it difficult to boot into Linux or bypass linux boot loader. If Windows is installed after Linux then it doesn't boot into Linux.
Old 11-09-2005, 08:42 PM   #4
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During a Linux installation it is the installer's duty to check every partition and include it for booting if a boot loader is detected. Thus dual booting is automatic without lifting a finger when a Linux is properly installed.

M$ use a common MBR for all DOS and Windows. Thus a DOS floppy can be used to restore XP's MBR. (Just type fdisk /mbr on boot up the DOS floppy) so the fear of losing XP's MBR is due to pure ignornace.

Every unbootable Linux can be accessed by another Linux so using a Live CD or another installed distro can rescue a distressed Linux and restore its boot loader. Installing Windows before or after the Linux is totally irrelevant.

This post is informative but lack of the understanding that between ntldr (XP/Win2k boot loader), Lilo and Grub the ntldr requires the most effort and is capable of booting the least number of systems. ntldr is also not known to be able to boot more than one DOS-based system.

As a simple example a Grub floppy, unattached to an operating system, can boot every PC system produced by M$ using just 3 lines of nearly indentical commands (only the partition number altered).

If that is not enough the same floppy can also be used to boot every Linux, BSD and I tried it on Solaris 10 too.

I am also using ntldr but found it cannot boot more than 10 systems. Lilo can manage 15 but Grub is booting more than 50+ in my box.

All ntldr, Lilo and Grub can boot each other in the same box. Using one boot loader to boot another is technically known as chainloading.

Comparing the effort for dual booting, say the Windows is in partition /dev/hda1

Lilo can dual boot Windows using 2 lines of command


Grub needs only 3 lines dual boot Windows

title this is my Windows in hda1
root (hd0,0)
chainloader +1

Only by comparison one understand the shortcoming of a system.
Old 11-10-2005, 12:37 PM   #5
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