Originally Posted by bruse
I have FC4 running.I have two question.
We have very large c programme running in konsole.(aerospace appilication)
The programme will display lot of data in the terminal we have to look it.
In some times, we have to stop the process in the mid way and see the result.
For this operation,Is there any command to stop the process and reiterate
the process again.
If we press CRTL-Z and #bg resumes the process single time only.
2)If we alter the coding and compiled it.And again we have start it
where we left.
Is it possible?
So any idea.
a. if you run the program and add
#to the end it will only show one page at a time so you #can scroll through it manually.
b. if you run the program and add
> program.log
# it will send whatever is printed on the screen straight to a text file (program.log) to view whenever and however you want.
instead of #bg use
it will launch it in focus so that you can use CTRL+Z unlimited times