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Old 02-22-2004, 09:27 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2004
Posts: 10

Rep: Reputation: 0
No Dial Tone


I am on Lindows 4.5. I have a Conexant 56K modem (yes I know it's an OS aimed at Broadband - that's coming in about a week), which just returns 'NO DIAL TONE' all the time.

The modem has been recognised and installed (I think) by Lindows, and it runs fine in the same machine when in WinXP, but won't work in Lindows.

Anyone got any idea what I'm missing? I suspect it's a setting I've missed.


Old 02-27-2004, 09:39 AM   #2
Registered: Aug 2003
Location: Dunedin NZ
Distribution: Mint 13 Cinnamon
Posts: 653

Rep: Reputation: 31
If the modem is a Conexant HSF modem, download this driver and install it like this:

1. extract the package with "tar -xzf hsflinmodem-{version}.tar.gz"

2. change to the package directory with "cd hsflinmodem-{version}"

3. run "make install" from the top of the package directory.
(Debian users might need to change the KERNELSRC definition in
modules/common.mak first)

4. run "hsfconfig" to complete the installation and configure your modem.

Just make sure you do this as root. This is the older non-speed-locked version.



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