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Old 02-28-2005, 03:53 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2005
Posts: 10

Rep: Reputation: 0
Internet going down every 10-20min...

Okay, I have a wierd version of linux. It's the mitel SME sever version 6.0beta. Anyways, my connection keeps going down every 10-20 minutes (haven't timed it) that there's no activity on the console. I'll hear this beep and then my lan will go out. However, as soon as I touch any imput device to the server (like hitting shift on keyboard), it beeps again and the internet comes back on.

My short term solution is to put a paperweight on the shift key and leave it like that. However, It'd be nice to have a better solution.

I don't know if this is a connected issue, or if it's two seperate things, but my web-hosting doesn't work on the WAN - just the LAN. I can use my webmail, see my webpage, and do whatever on my lan, but the server services can't be accesed from the internet. However, my server admin console can be accesed from the's weird.

Any help?....or a pointer to a forum that would know this mitel stuff?
Old 02-28-2005, 01:53 PM   #2
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2005
Posts: 10

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Rep: Reputation: 0
ops - problem solved. It was just power options in BIOS.


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