First of all, Wine's main page is at Start from there.
Second, see if by any chance Wine might be included in your SuSE. I doubt it, but who knows?
SuSE uses RPM, so you won't have that much of a problem getting the correct RPMs from or from Wine web site and installing them using Yest.
Setting Wine, well that's another matter all together different...
Since you are a brand new Linux user, I'd suggest you first learn how to use your system and how to become comfortable with it. Learn to crowl before you can run deal, right? If your installation experience was "tremendously frustrating and confusing" then Wine will drive you so crazy you might end up going back to Windoze...;-)
Begin slow...find the correct RPM for your distribution. D/l it and install it.
Read the man pages. Read the FAQs. Try it. Test it. Write down all the error messages you get. Re-read the FAQs. Sit back and think a little.
Come back and ask some questions. There IS a specific UseNet group dedicated to SuSE, but the people there are slightly rude IMO to newbies and to people who say things such as "I hear there is this thing called "Wine" that's supposed to emulate Win/DOS programs on Linux, but I don't where it is, how to install, or how to configure it." Anyway, it's alt.os.linux.suse
Last, maybe you need to learn to live without your Windoze apps, or ask your self WHY you switched to Linux in the first place? That is somewhat an important question to ask before you can continue.