Help with xorg.conf editing for arcade monitor friendly resolutions
Would anyone happen to know how to put the specs of a Makvision 2929D Arcade Monitor with Arcade VGA Video card into xorg.conf in Linux so I can change boot video resolution?
Problem is I'm trying to run GroovyArcadeLinux and my monitor goes out of range because Linux doesn't detect my display properly. Anyone know some generic code I can use to edit the xorg config file that would work for booting with a low res setting like 800x600 at startup? I know how to the program VIM.
If it helps my monitor specs are 800x600 max resolution, 30-40 Khz horizontal, 47-90 Hz vertical refresh rate. I'd like to have 16-bit video mode with 640x480 @ 60 Hz.
Even just a generic setting that will boot at low res is fine. Arcade VGA is an ATI card with modified drivers. Thanks.
Last edited by mamenewb100; 07-18-2012 at 07:45 PM.