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Old 10-08-2004, 06:31 PM   #1
Registered: Jan 2004
Location: Greece!
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How to correctly change resolutions under fedora core 2 with xorg.conf?

Here's my problem.Whenever i try to switch to a higher resolution from within a an application (game eg doom 3 , rtcw etc) the only thing i get (after switching) is the upper left corner of the screen enlraged! I've tried ctrl + alt + - (or +) either from within the game or @ desktop but instead of getting a higher (or lower ) resolution i get again the upper left corner of my screen enlarged!

What is going on?

I use Fedora Core 2 with an nvidia geforce 6800 video card.

PS Here is my xorg.conf

# XFree86 4 configuration created by pyxf86config

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "Default Layout"
Screen 0 "Screen0" 0 0
InputDevice "Mouse0" "CorePointer"
InputDevice "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"

Section "Files"

# RgbPath is the location of the RGB database. Note, this is the name of the
# file minus the extension (like ".txt" or ".db"). There is normally
# no need to change the default.
# Multiple FontPath entries are allowed (they are concatenated together)
# By default, Red Hat 6.0 and later now use a font server independent of
# the X server to render fonts.
RgbPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb"
FontPath "unix/:7100"

Section "Module"
Load "dbe"
Load "extmod"
Load "fbdevhw"
Load "glx"
Load "record"
Load "freetype"
Load "type1"


Section "InputDevice"

# Specify which keyboard LEDs can be user-controlled (eg, with xset(1))
# Option "Xleds" "1 2 3"
# To disable the XKEYBOARD extension, uncomment XkbDisable.
# Option "XkbDisable"
# To customise the XKB settings to suit your keyboard, modify the
# lines below (which are the defaults). For example, for a non-U.S.
# keyboard, you will probably want to use:
# Option "XkbModel" "pc102"
# If you have a US Microsoft Natural keyboard, you can use:
# Option "XkbModel" "microsoft"
# Then to change the language, change the Layout setting.
# For example, a german layout can be obtained with:
# Option "XkbLayout" "de"
# or:
# Option "XkbLayout" "de"
# Option "XkbVariant" "nodeadkeys"
# If you'd like to switch the positions of your capslock and
# control keys, use:
# Option "XkbOptions" "ctrl:swapcaps"
# Or if you just want both to be control, use:
# Option "XkbOptions" "ctrl:nocaps"
Identifier "Keyboard0"
Driver "keyboard"
Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
Option "XkbLayout" "us"

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Mouse0"
Driver "mouse"
Option "Protocol" "IMPS/2"
Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
Option "Emulate3Buttons" "yes"

Section "Monitor"
Identifier "Monitor0"
VendorName "Monitor Vendor"
ModelName "AOC Spectrum"
DisplaySize 320 240
HorizSync 30.0 - 95.0
VertRefresh 50.0 - 160.0
Option "dpms"

Section "Device"
Identifier "Videocard0"
Driver "nvidia"
VendorName "Videocard vendor"
BoardName "VESA driver (generic)"

Section "Screen"
Identifier "Screen0"
Device "Videocard0"
Monitor "Monitor0"
DefaultDepth 24
SubSection "Display"
Viewport 0 0
Depth 24
Modes "1600x1200" "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"

Section "DRI"
Group 0
Mode 0666
Old 10-08-2004, 06:36 PM   #2
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try xrandr
Old 10-08-2004, 06:40 PM   #3
Registered: Jan 2004
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here is my output
[george@localhost george]$ xrandr
SZ: Pixels Physical Refresh
0 1600 x 1200 ( 323mm x 242mm ) 75 70 65 60
1 1280 x 1024 ( 323mm x 242mm ) 85 75 60
*2 1024 x 768 ( 323mm x 242mm ) *85 75 70 60 87
3 800 x 600 ( 323mm x 242mm ) 85 75 72 70 65 60 56
4 640 x 480 ( 323mm x 242mm ) 85 75 73 60
5 1400 x 1050 ( 323mm x 242mm ) 85 75 70 60
6 1280 x 960 ( 323mm x 242mm ) 85 60
7 1152 x 864 ( 323mm x 242mm ) 85 75
8 960 x 600 ( 323mm x 242mm ) 73
9 832 x 624 ( 323mm x 242mm ) 75
10 700 x 525 ( 323mm x 242mm ) 85 75 70 60
11 640 x 512 ( 323mm x 242mm ) 85 75 60
12 720 x 400 ( 323mm x 242mm ) 85
13 640 x 400 ( 323mm x 242mm ) 85
14 576 x 432 ( 323mm x 242mm ) 85 75
15 640 x 350 ( 323mm x 242mm ) 85
16 512 x 384 ( 323mm x 242mm ) 85 75 70 60 87
17 416 x 312 ( 323mm x 242mm ) 75
18 400 x 300 ( 323mm x 242mm ) 85 75 72 60 56
19 320 x 240 ( 323mm x 242mm ) 85 75 73 60
20 320 x 200 ( 323mm x 242mm ) 85
21 320 x 175 ( 323mm x 242mm ) 85
22 1600 x 1200 ( 504mm x 378mm ) 75
Current rotation - normal
Current reflection - none
Rotations possible - normal
Reflections possible - none

Old 10-08-2004, 06:43 PM   #4
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so run "xrandr --size 0" for 1600 x 1200 to "xrandr --size 21" for 320 x 175

there are a number of X interfaces for this tool now too, i just have no idea what they're called.
Old 10-08-2004, 06:51 PM   #5
Registered: Jan 2004
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I've managed to change my resolution nicely wuth xrandr but my problem (read first post) persists! Any ideas wht is going wrong?

PS I am having the problem when my desktop resolution is 1024x768 and the game's resolution is higher (eg 1600x1200) and NOT when it's vice versa ( eg desktop @ 1600x1200 and game @ 1024x768)!!! Why????
Old 10-08-2004, 07:11 PM   #6
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This is happenning with many applications , so i think it's not the application's fault but my system's.
Old 10-08-2004, 07:12 PM   #7
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Another thing: When i log in (graphicaly) to fedora core 2 the resolution is 1600x1200 and when gnome starts it's 1024x768. Any clue?
Old 10-08-2004, 07:17 PM   #8
Registered: Jan 2004
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This whole problem also happens under kde so it's not a gnome bug i guess
Old 10-08-2004, 07:44 PM   #9
Registered: Jan 2004
Location: Greece!
Distribution: Ubuntu 9.10
Posts: 633

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